I am using Proxmox Backup Server to backup my PVE VMs and containers to my TrueNAS server via NFS. PBS is installed directly on the PVE machine (this is not officially recommended but fine for my setup; if the PVE machine breaks, I’m fine with spinning up a new PBS server and just importing the existing dataset). PBS doesn’t currently support remote storages. As a workaround, I am mounting the NFS share through PVE and setting its local path as the backup destination in PBS.
using the default settings.root
and Maproot group to wheel
. (1) Click Submit. If prompted, enable NFS./mnt/pve/<ID>
).Based on 1.
SSH into the PVE machine (or use the console in the web interface).
Edit /etc/pve/storage.cfg
and add options vers=3,soft
to the storage added in the previous step, so it looks like this:
nfs: truenas-backup2
export /mnt/storage2/proxmox-backup-server
path /mnt/pve/truenas-backup2
content backup
prune-backups keep-all=1
options vers=3,soft
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list
and add the following:
# PBS pbs-no-subscription repository provided by proxmox.com,
# NOT recommended for production use
deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pbs bullseye pbs-no-subscription
Delete /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pbs-enterprise.list
Run apt update
Run apt install proxmox-backup-server
The web interface will be on port 8007
(through HTTPS).
permissions for /datastore
, and use that instead), and datastore name. Copy the fingerprint from the PBS web UI. Click Add.