
Sensible template prefix #

Applications should be installed into separate prefixes to avoid incompatibilites.

To setup a sensible template prefix (for x64, use WINEARCH=win32 for x86):

export WINEPREFIX=/home/benni/wine-prefixes/_template64
export WINEARCH=win64
wineboot -u
winetricks fontsmooth=rgb gdiplus vcrun2005 vcrun2008 vcrun2010 vcrun2012 vcrun2013 vcrun2015 msxml3 msxml6 atmlib allfonts
winecfg # Set to Win 7

Useful commands #

  • wineboot -r: ‘Reboot’ the prefix
  • wineserver -k: Kill all programs running in the prefix
  • winefile: Wine file manager
  • wine start [explorer|taskmgr|…]: Start the corresponding program

Desktop files #

Automatically generated .desktop files are saved in ~/.local/share/applications/wine. (1)